Angry Wood Sea Urchin is a wood sculpture taking many attempts and several months to complete. My goal is to recreate in wood a ceramic sculpture I own. The ceramic piece features a texture similar to volcanic rock flowing out of a small opening at the top. I could not get it quite right. I abandoned that path and pursued a vegetable shape. Very unhappy with the progress of this second attempt I set the piece aside for many months. By this time I am creating my sea urchin series and this became one very angry looking sea urchin. The size is 8 inch diameter by 7 inches high.
Hollow Form Turning
The style is Hollow Form Turning. The opening is much smaller than the width of the body. Unlike making a bowl where the Maker sees exactly where the wood is being removed the interior wood of the Hollow Form is removed without being visible. The turner uses special hook shape tools and is constantly measuring the wall thickness. Here is another sea urchin Scary Wood Sea Urchin
Gift Ideas
If you are looking for a special gift check out my store in this website. If you get to the historic town of Morristown, New Jersey check out the gallery Just Jersey Goods. This is a very cute gallery featuring only New Jersey craft artists. I think you will enjoy what you see.
Like Angry Wood Sea Urchin I produce all my items in my Montvale, New Jersey, USA studio. As my skills improved and I became aware of what other artists were creating with wood my time at the lathe decreased and the hours at the studio bench increased focusing on enhancing my pieces with decorative processes. These techniques include carving, piercing, bleaching, staining and airbrushing.